Their motto is:  „On each field is the affected the best professional.”

The Association has 3801 members, which enables it to be the biggest civil association of public utility in the county. The association has “branches” in 76 settlements of the county. Recognising the usefulness of a country-wide organisation, the association and others from the countries and from the capital joined and founded the National Association for Disabled People in Hungary, year 1981.

Our scope of activities are:

• Reveal and drawing of the special interest of disabled people, and conciliation of these with other groups, representation safeguard and validation of these interests, especially in policy making processes.
• Providing guidance and help for disabled people in employment, educational, cultural, sport and recreational facilities.
• Providing of model services: special personal assistance, transport, fellow counsellor and giving information.
• Contribution by demanding state aid for disabled people (e.g.: transport aid, clearing aid for flats).
• Assisting with special cognition to the legislation and executive processes.

Our association operates from the beginning on, on voluntary and a wide social basis.

However, because of the growing number of members we have hired staff for administrational and continuous professional tasks. The number of our staff compared to their work is infinitesimal. The great majority of our staff is disabled.
The association works not only in favour of its members, but helps also all the disabled people who turn to the association with their needs. The association woks under a wide public control.
One of our main efforts is to converge to the norms of the European Union. We are more and more active in national associations fro disabled people and work closer with our partner-associations.
It is always a big concern to get funding for our diverse and responsible activities. State subsidies make only 9,5 % of our budget, and the same ration goes for the member fees.

So the biggest proportion is made up by charity and funding from different projects.

Our Supporter Service was launched in February of 2000.

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